VPX Redline Xtreme Ultimate Energy Rush Drink


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  • While caffeine is great for boosting the metabolism and increasing energy, caffeine should be consumed in moderation. Caffeine-free Bang energy drinks deliver all the Bang goodness without all the caffeine.
  • Beverages sweetened with sugar, like most energy drinks, lead to blood sugar elevations that can be bad for health. Ironically, in general, sugar is “bad” primarily because it is so easy for the body to utilize. However, once the body hits its glucose limit and glycogen stores are full, excess carbs are converted to triglycerides and stored as — you guessed it — fat. All Bang energy drinks are sugar-free and carb-free.
  • Bang energy drinks contain CoQ10 and the patented Super Creatine — the only form of creatine that is sustainable in liquid for an extended period.
  • Bang energy drinks also contain essential amino acids (EAA Aminos). EAA Aminos are responsible for building and maintaining muscle. They are not produced by the body and must be obtained from outside sources.
  • Bang energy drinks are gluten-free and vegan-friendly, so they are perfect for any lifestyle or diet.
  • Candy Apply Crisp flavor
  • Includes twelve 16 oz cans
VPX Redline Xtreme Ultimate Energy Rush Drink

1000 palette, 2000 palette, 5000 palette


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